Friday, July 26, 2013

Mayfield Lake

When a couple of my friends suggested for Sam and I to go camping at Mayfield Lake last weekend, I was a little shocked. When you grow up in Toledo, WA it feels as if Mayfield Lake is in your back yard. Although I have been there a million times I have never camped there (I think). Anywhosen, we decided to get our fishing license and take our kayaks. Sam and I spent hours out on our kayaks and still didn't catch anything! Although we did find a little inlet that had a small waterfall in it and moss all around. Another great kayak find!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hike at Mt. Rainier

Last weekend Sam and I decided to take my little sister for a hike at Mt. Rainier. Sam had a hike all planned out for us to go on, but once we got all the way up there, we quickly realized that the snow wasn't melted all the way. So we went back down the Mt. and found another trail that we could go on. We decided that we were going to hike to the reflection lakes. We hiked 5 miles to the reflection lakes to find that you could have just drove to them. Allie and I just giggled. But it was a nice day for a hike at the mountain and we got some great pictures!

summer vacation 2013

The beginning of summer started with an AWESOME trip to visit Samuel's sister Jane and brother in-law Jared. Once we landed in Indiana we hopped in their truck for a road trip. 

1st stop: Cedar Point theme park 

2nd stop was a pit stop at the beach! Jared came up with this little video, which maded us laugh til' we cried!
3rd stop Palmyra, New York  

 We got to see the printing press that printed the first Book of Mormon and walked through the sacred grove.

4th stop NIAGARA FALLS on the Canadian side :)

 That's Sam with his sweet poncho!
We did a little miniature golf with the dinosaurs! We let Jared win :) 
And Then our final CAMPING SPOT

It was a great trip! (Thanks Jane and Jared!)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Baby ducks!

We’re on our way to having a little farm apparently with our new addition of baby ducks! But Sam has wanted ducks for so long he must have not been able to resist when he went to do a job, replacing a windshield for one of the members of our church and saw all the little ducks! The man was so sweet to tell the boys that if they could catch them they can have them. Apparently, these little guys were super wild and were swimming like mad men in the muckiest pond! Of course the boys hopped right in that dirty pond and were chasing the ducks all over in it! Sam said the man got such a kick out of it! (I could only imagine)